What is the cause of diabetes?

Cause more causes of diabetes, the best way for this disease is to prevent his occurrence, once suffering from this disease, you need to rely on drugs to control blood sugar for life, in order to better understand the disease, the following detailed We explain what the reasons for diabetes?
1, genetic factors, diabetes is a genetic disease, the prevalence of diabetes in the family is higher than the normal 5 times the number of patients in the cause of diabetes, genetics accounted for more than half of the genetic factors in type 2 diabetes accounted for More than 90%, it can be seen that the incidence of diabetes and abnormalities are directly related.
2, mental factors, mental stress, emotional excitement and a variety of stress state, will cause a lot of secretion of blood glucose hormones, such as growth hormone, which are caused by elevated blood sugar.
3, long-term intake of excess nutrition, eating too much uncontrolled, overnutrition, the potential has been hypopneously low cell burden, induced diabetes,
4, infection, juvenile diabetes and viral infection has a clear relationship, the infection itself does not induce diabetes, can make invisible diabetics.
Through the above explanation, we also have a better understanding of the etiology of diabetes, hoping to be useful to everyone, we have to do from the cause of diabetes to prevent the work, to develop good habits, reasonable diet, thereby reducing unnecessary Of the injury, and finally wish everyone healthy.

